14 marzo, 2019

Comments to the regulatory framework of Initial Coin Offerings in Australia

The Australian Department of the Treasury recently released a consultation paper on Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). Due to the importance that this regulatory framework of Initial Coin Offerings may have for Australia and other jurisdictions planning to regulate ICOs, I have decided to submit some comments to this paper. The document can be found on […]

11 febrero, 2019

Comments to the guidance on crypto-assets issued by the Financial Conduct Authority

By Aurelio Gurrea Martínez On 23 January 2019, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued a guidance on crypto-assets (FCA-GC) in order to improve and clarify the regulatory framework of crypto-assets in the United Kingdom. In this document, the FCA seeks comments from the general public before issuing a final guidance. Due to the importance that […]

14 enero, 2019

Hacia un nuevo paradigma en el estudio y el diseño del Derecho concursal en España

Por Aurelio Gurrea Martínez I. Introducción Un argumento tradicionalmente esgrimido para explicar el escaso uso del concurso de acreedores en España es la falta de cultura concursal de los empresarios españoles, que, tal vez, no tienen la misma visión del emprendimiento, la insolvencia y el fracaso empresarial que los empresarios de otros países de nuestro […]

1 octubre, 2018

4th Annual Conference of the Ibero-American Institute for Law and Finance (Sao Paulo, December 13-14, 2018)

The Ibero-American Institute for Law and Finance is delighted to announce that its 4th Annual Conference will take place in Sao Paulo (Brazil), on December 13-14, 2018, under the presidency of Professors Mariana Pargendler and Francisco Satiro, and the academic direction of Professors Aurelio Gurrea Martínez and Carlos Portugal Gouvêa. Following the structure and methodology […]

2 agosto, 2018

El sector jurídico ante la imparable disrupción de las tecnologías digitales ¿cómo deberá reaccionar?

Por Pablo Sanz Bayón El sector jurídico ha sido tradicionalmente renuente a los cambios. Los usos de numerosas instituciones de profesionales del derecho, sus prácticas e incluso su formación tienden a ser de un perfil conservador. Formas y modos apegados a unas estructuras conceptuales sólidas pero arraigadas en unas inercias profesionales y académicas basadas en […]